Garden Water Features

Swimming Pool, Garden Ponds, Fountains and more.

Garden Water Features

Water features can add a dimension to a garden like no other. Pond and water feature installation is a skill that Chichester Gardens can provide you, from natural ponds, waterfalls, raised pools, rills and decorative sculptural designs. It can attract beautiful wildlife and give a pleasant audible noise to disguise unwanted ones from the outside.

We can provide you with the design, installation and maintenance of every type of water feature available, small or large.

The right water feature can add tranquillity and an element of peace into any garden. Installation is crucial to obtaining a high standard of functionality, and Chichester Gardens can provide you with a stress-free process.

What we offer

Initial Ground Clearance | Chichester, West Sussex

Initial Ground Clearance

Blockwork | Chichester, West Sussex




Concrete Bases | Chichester, West Sussex

Concrete Bases

Groundwork Preparation | Chichester, West Sussex

Groundwork Preparation

Pool Liners | Chichester, West Sussex

Pool Liners

Design Layouts | Chichester, West Sussex

Design Layouts

Sculpture Installation | Chichester, West Sussex

Sculpture Installation

Lighting | Chichester, West Sussex


“The water features in our new garden are beyond incredible, they take my breath away every time I look outside. The gentlemen gave me options and advice to what would suit my garden and I couldn’t be happier.”